Shane is one of Utah’s top personal injury attorneys. He has recovered millions and millions and millions of dollars for Utah accident victims.
My younger brother and many of our friends call me “Sugar Shane.” The nickname has been a running joke for years. And like all bad nicknames, it has been surprisingly sticky. A couple years ago, I decided to have some fun with it on social media. I thought it would be fun to lean into the stereotypical brand of cringe-inducing injury attorney advertising. And just like that, “Sugar Shane, Accident Attorney” was born!
Admittedly, my nickname is pretty damn bad, but my results are not. I have successfully represented clients across the country in a wide range of catastrophic injury matters. I have recovered millions, and millions, and millions of dollars on their behalf. I do it by aggressively fighting insurance companies for every dollar my clients deserve. Give me a call if you want to talk about your case.
– Shane

Sugar Shane wins cases. The big ones and the small ones. He gets his clients maximum money. If you have been injured, you need an attorney who wins. Call Sugar Shane now to talk about winning your case.